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  41st ICC Institute Annual Conference: Rethinking the Paradigms of International Arbitration
1 J Visioconference 595 €* Niveau 2 lorem lorem ICC Services
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit de l’arbitrage Formation ouverte à : Intermédiaire (approfondissement des connaissances et des pratiques) Intervenant(s) Chan, Cohen, Cremades, Favre-Bulle, Jones, Kamau, Khamsi, Kebe, Kessedjian, Kirby, Nappert, Newmark, Peterson, Rivkin, Silva Romero, Stampa, Stein, van Leeuwan, Wallgren-Lindholm Nombre d’heures de formation 1 J Déroulé précis Discretionary powers of arbitrators, technology and arbitration, the Redfern schedule and document production, factual witnesse, expert evidence, remove/in person/hybrid hearings
Adresse de la formation Visioconference, 75116 Visioconference

41st icc institute annual conference: rethinking the paradigms of international arbitration
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