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  ICC Institute Training on Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration: The Good, the Bad and the In between
1 J Singapore 689 €* Niveau 3 lorem lorem ICC
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit de l’arbitrage Formation ouverte à : Avancé (s’adressant aux spécialistes et praticiens expérimentés) Intervenant(s) Michael Hwang SC, Lim Wei Lee, Blossom Hing, Michael Polkinghorne, Joongi Kim, Margaret Joan Ling, Axel Reeg, Gitta Satryani Nombre d’heures de formation 1 J Déroulé précis Oral Advocacy, party autonomy, cross examination
Adresse de la formation Sofitel Singapore City Centre, 9 Wallich Street, 10 000 Singapore

Icc institute training on oral advocacy in international arbitration: the good, the bad and the in between
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