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  20th ICC Miami Conference on International Arbitration
2 J Miami, FL, Etats Unis 1 715 €* Niveau 2 lorem lorem ICC
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit de l’arbitrage Formation ouverte à : Intermédiaire (approfondissement des connaissances et des pratiques) Intervenant(s) Stephan Adell, Juan Pablo Argentato, Patrick Beaten, Victor Bonnin, Eliane Carvalho, Francesco Cámpora Gatica, Felipe Rocha dos Santos, Alexander G. Fessas, José Ricardo Feris, Patricia Ferraz, Juan Fernández-Armesto, René Irra de la Cruz, Andrés Jana, Mónica Jiménez González, Mélanie Laloum, Alejandro López Ortiz, Noiana Marigo, Michael Mcilwrath, Christa Mueller, Maria Claudia Procopiak, Dietmar W. Prager, Natália Resende Andrade Ávila, Rafael Rincón, Patricia Saiz, Ank Santens, Claudia Salomon, Catherine Schroeder, Ana Serra e Moura, Maria Inés Sola, Guido Santiago Tawil, Anne Marie Whitesell Nombre d’heures de formation 2 J Déroulé précis Is Latin America facing unusually high risks? An economic analysis and its contractual consequences, Economic and political sanctions: Lessons learned, current state of affairs and assumptions for the future of international arbitration, Beyond private parties: how arbitration can help navigate the risk in infrastructure projects? The perspective of development banks and state entities, Interview style: when arbitration fights back, Real-life examples on how to tackle disruptions during the proceedings: when and how to defend using a shield and a sword, Thinking outside the box: innovative ways to avoid and resolve disputes, How is technology disrupting dispute resolution services?
Adresse de la formation Mandarin Oriental, 500 Brickell Key Dr., 33131, 10 000 Miami, FL, Etats Unis

20th icc miami conference on international arbitration
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