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Date de la mise en ligne: 14/09/2023
10 H 0 € Niveau 0 lorem lorem HELP
Date limite d’inscription : 14/09/2023
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit des enfants
- Droit international et de l’Union européenne
- Droit pénal
Objectifs de la formation Published: September 2019
Brief 10 hours
1) Introduction
2) Law enforcement
3) Prisons and other penal institutions
4) Immigration
5) Psychiatric establishments
6) Social care
Formation ouverte à : Tout avocat Intervenant(s) Developed in close cooperation with the CPT’s Secretariat and with the support of the Project “Strengthening the application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Georgia”, under the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Nombre d’heures de formation 10 H Déroulé précis HELP free online courses are hosted on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform
Cpt standards