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Date de la mise en ligne: 14/09/2023
12 H 0 € Niveau 0 lorem lorem HELP
Date limite d’inscription : 31/12/2024
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit de la protection des données personnelles
- Droit du numérique et des communications
Objectifs de la formation Updated: June 2019
Brief Video 12 hours
I. Basic knowledge about the right to privacy and data protection:
1. Legal framework
2. Key concepts
3. Key principles
II. Topical Areas:
4. Health data
5. Media
6. E-communications & marketing
7. New technologies
8. Workplace
III. Enforcement:
9. Administrative, criminal and civil remedies
10. International data flows
Formation ouverte à : Tout avocat Intervenant(s) Developed under the EU funded project ‘HELP in the 28’, in close cooperation with the Data Protection Unit of the Council of Europe. Nombre d’heures de formation 12 H Déroulé précis HELP free online courses are hosted on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform
Data protection and privacy rights
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