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- Droit international et de l’Union européenne - Gestion de cabinet Objectifs de la formationUpdated: June 2020
Brief Video 9 hours
1) Introduction and key principles
2) Types of speech protected under Article 10. Privacy and defamation
3) Media regulation. Freedom of Expression online. Freedom of Expression and elections. Protection of sources. Information received in confidence
4) Access to information. Freedom of Expression and protest. Freedom of Expression and administration of justice. Freedom of Expression in the workplace. Freedom of Expression and religionFormation ouverte à : Tout avocatIntervenant(s)Developed in cooperation with the EU-CoE Joint Project on Strengthening the Capacity of Turkish Judiciary on Freedom of Expression. Updated under the action on “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media in South-East Europe JUFREX)”, implemented under the EU-CoE Joint Programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II 2019-2022)”.Nombre d’heures de formation
9 H
Déroulé précisHELP free online courses are hosted on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform
Freedom of expression
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