Accueil /   Toutes les formations /  Introduction to the european convention on human rights and the european court of human rights
Date de la mise en ligne: 14/09/2023
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Date limite d’inscription : 31/12/2024
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit international et de l’Union européenne
- Droit pénal
Objectifs de la formation Updated: March 2020
Brief Video 6 hours
1. Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights
2. Introduction to the European Court of Human Rights
3. Execution of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

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lav | lit | mkd | mne | pol | por | ron | rus | slv | spa | sqi | srp | swe | tur | ukr
Formation ouverte à : Tout avocat Intervenant(s) Developed in close cooperation with the Registry of the ECtHR and the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR. The 2020 update was partly produced with the financial support of the EU and the CoE through the action "Strengthening the effective legal remedies to human rights violations in Serbia”, implemented under the EU/CoE “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II”. INTRODUCTION TO THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Nombre d’heures de formation 6 H Déroulé précis Developed in close cooperation with the Registry of the ECtHR and the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR. The 2020 update was partly produced with the financial support of the EU and the CoE through the action "Strengthening the effective legal remedies to human rights violations in Serbia”, implemented under the EU/CoE “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II”.
Introduction to the european convention on human rights and the european court of human rights
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