Accueil /   Toutes les formations /  Prohibition of ill-treatment
Date de la mise en ligne: 14/09/2023
7 H 0 € Niveau 0 lorem lorem HELP
Date limite d’inscription : 31/12/2024
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit international et de l’Union européenne
- Droit pénal
Objectifs de la formation Developed in cooperation with the project ‘Strengthening the implementation of European human rights standards in Ukraine’
Updated through the Joint EU/CoE Programme Partnership for Good Governance project ‘Supporting the Criminal Justice Reform and Harmonising the Application of European Standards in Armenia’ and the CoE project ‘Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in Ukraine’ as part of the Action Plan for Ukraine. The module on Prohibition of Ill-Treatment During Armed Conflict was developed also with contributions from the CoE HELP project ‘Supporting the contextualisation of HELP modules/courses for legal professionals in times of war in Ukraine’.

Updated: January 2023
Brief 7 hours
0. Introductory module
1. Legal framework and concepts
2. Effective (procedural) response to ill-treatment and combatting impunity
3. Ill-treatment in places of deprivation of liberty
4. Use of force as a means of restraint
5. Ill-treatment beyond coercive context
6. Interrelation with other rights
7. Who does what?
8. Ill-treatment during armed conflict
2023 edition: eng
2017 edition: hye | kat | mne | ron | rus | sqi | srp | tur | ukr
Formation ouverte à : Tout avocat Intervenant(s) Developed in cooperation with the project ‘Strengthening the implementation of European human rights standards in Ukraine’ Updated through the Joint EU/CoE Programme Partnership for Good Governance project ‘Supporting the Criminal Justice Reform and Harmonising the Application of European Standards in Armenia’ and the CoE project ‘Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in Ukraine’ as part of the Action Plan for Ukraine. The module on Prohibition of Ill-Treatment During Armed Conflict was developed also with contributions from the CoE HELP project ‘Supporting the contextualisation of HELP modules/courses for legal professionals in times of war in Ukraine’. Nombre d’heures de formation 7 H Déroulé précis Developed in cooperation with the project ‘Strengthening the implementation of European human rights standards in Ukraine’
Updated through the Joint EU/CoE Programme Partnership for Good Governance project ‘Supporting the Criminal Justice Reform and Harmonising the Application of European Standards in Armenia’ and the CoE project ‘Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in Ukraine’ as part of the Action Plan for Ukraine. The module on Prohibition of Ill-Treatment During Armed Conflict was developed also with contributions from the CoE HELP project ‘Supporting the contextualisation of HELP modules/courses for legal professionals in times of war in Ukraine’.

Updated: January 2023
Brief 7 hours
0. Introductory module
1. Legal framework and concepts
2. Effective (procedural) response to ill-treatment and combatting impunity
3. Ill-treatment in places of deprivation of liberty
4. Use of force as a means of restraint
5. Ill-treatment beyond coercive context
6. Interrelation with other rights
7. Who does what?
8. Ill-treatment during armed conflict
2023 edition: eng
2017 edition: hye | kat | mne | ron | rus | sqi | srp | tur | ukr
Prohibition of ill-treatment
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