Accueil /   Toutes les formations /  Transitional justice and human rights
Date de la mise en ligne: 27/09/2023
10 H 0 € Niveau 1 lorem lorem HELP
Date limite d’inscription : 27/09/2023
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Matière(s) concernée(s) - Droit de la famille, des personnes et de leur patrimoine Objectifs de la formation Published: April 2021
Brief Video 6 hours Audiobook
1) Introduction
2) Key concepts
3) The human rights-based approach to environmental protection
4) Green human rights in regional human rights systems
5) Environmental degradation and corporate accountability
Formation ouverte à : Débutant (acquisition des fondamentaux) Intervenant(s) _Updated in coperation with the CoE projects “Supporting contextualisation of HELP modules/courses for legal professionals in times of war in Ukraine” and “HELP for Ukraine including during wartime”. Nombre d’heures de formation 10 H Déroulé précis Updated: July 2023
Brief 7 hours
1. Introduction
2. Basics of Transitional Justice
3. Justice and Accountability
4. Investigations, Truth and Extra-Judicial Bodies
5. Legality, Amnesties and the Duty to Prosecute
6. Reparations and Guarantees of Non-Repetition
7. Witnesses and Victims

2023 Edition: eng
2017 Edition: aze | bos | hye | kat | ron | ukr
Transitional justice and human rights
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